Pyramids, Tombs & Temples Illustration

Pyramids, Tombs & Temples

Free Presentations in PowerPoint format

Pyramids, Tombs & Temples in Ancient Egypt, with Mr. Donn


Ancient Egyptian Pyramids – Why Did They Build Them?

Egyptian Pyramids

The Egyptian Pyramids

Ancient Pyramids of Egypt

The Great Pyramids of Egypt

The Great Pyramids of Egypt

The Great Pyramids of Egypt – The History of How It All Started

Mysteries of the Pyramids


Ancient Egypt Tomb Painting with the British Museum

Egyptian Tombs and the Belief in the Afterlife

Tombs and Mummies


Luxor Temple – A Photo Collection

The Most Famous Egyptian Temples

Temple of Luxor

See Also:

Ancient Egypt Overviews

Ancient Egypt Index

Geography, Gifts from the Nile

Hieroglyphics, Scribes, Rosetta Stone, Papyrus


Daily Life in Ancient Egypt


African Countries

African Cultures

African Kingdoms

For more links, lessons and loads of other goodies for teachers and kids, continue on to see what Mr. Donn has to offer on Ancient Egypt, Pyramids, Africa and World History.

For Kids

Ancient Egyptian Temples with the British Museum

Egyptian Temples at Art History Spot

Egyptian Temples – Odyssey Adventures in Archaeology

Introduction to the Temple of Karnak

The Ten Most Impressive Egyptian Temples

Ancient Egyptian Tombs with Rediscover Ancient Egypt

Egyptian Royal Tombs of the New Kingdom

The Evolution of Tombs in Ancient Egypt

Tombs of Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt for Kids

FREE Interactive Games & Activities

For Teachers

Lesson Plan – Egypt’s Golden Empire: Tombs and the Afterlife

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Ancient Civilizations Bingo

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